Together with 25 further animal welfare and animal rights organizations from all over Europe, we approach food companies to persuade them to meet the criteria of the European Chicken Commitment. These criteria aim to address the areas that contribute most significantly to the enormous suffering in the poultry fattening industry and outline a series of demands on companies in the food industry.
In the past three months, we were able to convince five companies to join the European Chicken Commitment:
- In April, Procuratio agreed to meet the criteria of the Commitment. It is the first caterer with a focus on care catering to set this important example.
- Later in April, Apetito followed. The frozen food company has committed itself to implementing the criteria for its menus and menu components in Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Spain.
- In May, Peter Pane was the first German burger chain, to announce its support of the European Chicken Commitment. The company currently runs 28 locations in Germany.
- The frozen food company Frosta followed in June. It is the market leader for frozen food in Germany and one of the largest companies in this sector in Europe.
- The catering company Sodexo agreed to support the Commitment just four days into a Europe-wide campaign against them. We feel honored to have had the opportunity to organize this campaign that was joined by about ten further European organizations.
The Sodexo victory was a real breakthrough. We expect several additional commitments by large catering companies to follow next month. Thank you to everyone involved!