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Logo Albert Schweitzer Foundation

Consumer Outreach

We help consumers to implement healthy and animal friendly changes into their diets.

Pig Mobile Tour

See our campaign.

Vegan Taste Week (VTW)

See our campaign.

Moving boards

When we looked for ways to potentially multiply the impact of our Pig Mobile tour and to have a more cost-effective concept that anybody can use anywhere, we found that using moving boards is a great way to stand out to passers-by and to start short conversations with them.

Movement building: local groups

We work with volunteers all across Germany who currently form 38 local groups. These groups set up information booths and/or put on moving boards to proactively talk to passers-by. Their main goal is to convince people to sign up for the Vegan Taste Week.

Our German website shows the local groups and an activity calendar (most activities take place from spring to fall). In 2017, our groups did 485 assignments.

Carnival of Cultures Berlin

The Carnival of Cultures is a huge event in Berlin that includes a big parade through the city which is broadcasted live on local TV. Our volunteers and we are a part of it every year and use it for leafleting, spreading a positive vegan message, and getting media coverage (potentially reaching one million people each year). Here is a slideshow of the event in 2016.

Vegan Summer Festival Berlin

The Vegan Summer Festival is co-hosted every year by ProVeg (formerly German Vegetarian Association), Berlin Vegan and Albert Schweitzer Foundation. It runs for three days and attracted 65,000 visitors in 2018.

Bi-weekly newsletter

Our bi-weekly newsletter reached 115,000 subscribers in September 2018. It covers a variety of animal protection and related topics. We use a mixture of factual and emotional contents. Opening rates are 28% on average and click rates are 18% on average (baseline: all recipients).

The newsletter serves a variety of purposes that are hard to quantify: We have anecdotal evidence that it plays a role in dietary change and lowering recidivism rates. It also helps keeping parts of the animal-friendly community well informed and to make them use correct information in their outreach (we fact check our articles thoroughly). It also helps with fundraising.

Media work

Through our media work, our aim is to raise awareness of animal welfare issues and vegan nutrition among the general public. This is designed to have the indirect impact that calls for reforms (aimed at business and politics) receive greater public support and that any prejudices and stereotypes surrounding vegan nutrition are eliminated. In 2017, we reached 62.7 million people with media reports.