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Logo Albert Schweitzer Foundation

Our Work

The Albert Schweitzer Foundation advocates for animal rights and animal protection. We attribute great importance to the leverage effect: We aim to use our limited budget effectively in order to make a difference for animals. We focus on farmed animals since factory farming is the greatest human-made source of suffering and death for animals.

We use traditional animal welfare campaigns such as the abolition of battery cages as interim steps on the path towards more progressive topics such as lowering the production and consumption of animal products. This method has proven successful in opening doors that otherwise may have remained closed.

These are currently our most important programs:

Welfare Standards in the Aquaculture Industry

Fish in aquaculture
Our goal is to raise standards in the aquaculture industry. Within a short period of time, we managed to get most relevant stakeholders on board.

Ending the Use of Battery Cages

We are working successfully with the food industry to eliminate cage eggs including egg products from supply chains.

European Chicken Commitment

broiler chicken
The Chicken Commitment raises welfare standards for broiler chickens. This will result in less animal suffering and fewer slaughtered animals.

Vegan Taste Week

Our online program helps people to reduce their consumption of animal products while improving their health.

Protein Diversification

We successfully work with companies in order to improve and expand their vegan offerings and support their changeover.

Using Legal Leverage

Until recently, the possibilities for animal protection groups to use the legal system to help animals were very limited. This has now changed.