After negotiations with the Albert Schweitzer Foundation the catering company Procuratio decided to raise its animal welfare standards for broiler chickens by 2026 at the latest. The company will thereby support the European Chicken Commitment. The Albert Schweitzer Foundation has launched this initiative together with almost 30 other animal protection groups in order to improve the welfare of chickens reared for meat production.
The criteria of the European Chicken Commitment clearly exceed the level prescribed by German animal welfare law. Among other features, they provide for a lower stocking density, more daylight and possibilities for activity. The caterer Procuratio, which specializes in providing food in hospitals and retirement homes, has committed itself to only use chicken meat that meets the criteria of the initiative by 2026 at the latest.
»We very much welcome the fact that Procuratio is fulfilling its corporate responsibility and is the first caterer with a focus on care catering to set this important example,« says Luisa Böhle, project manager in the Foundation’s corporate outreach team. »Procuratio joined our cage-free initiative in 2016 and has not used cage eggs since. With its support of the European Chicken Commitment, Procuratio once again emphasizes its commitment to better conditions in animal husbandry«. To further promote animal welfare, Procuratio has also expanded its range of vegan dishes.
You can find out more about the European Chicken Commitment here. The Procuratio statement can be found on https://www.procuratio.com.