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Strategy – the four pillars

As long-term developments can only be roughly forecast, our strategy focuses on the next three years, which are somewhat easier to plan. We continuously adapt the strategy to external circumstances as well as to our own possibilities and insights.

Our strategy is based on four pillars that help us to come closer to realizing our vision.

The food sector

Companies in the food industry have a major influence on how many farm animals are kept and in what way. Our work contributes significantly to more and more companies raising their animal welfare standards. We can often work constructively with the industry. However, not all companies are equally motivated, which is why, increasingly, we are also exerting pressure through campaigns.

We have been very successful in largely ending the sale and industry usage of cage eggs in Germany. Now we are focusing in particular on taking similar steps for chickens raised for meat, so-called broiler chickens and fishes in aquacultures. In addition, we will increasingly support companies in reducing animal products by offering them the tools to do so and by emphasizing the many benefits for animal welfare, environmental protection, and health.


In order to reach as many people as possible, to show them alternatives to the consumption of animal products and to bring about successful changes in their behavior, we have created the Vegan Taste Week. We continue to develop the Vegan Taste Week and use targeted online advertising to attract even more people with an interest in plant-based eating.


Violations of the German animal welfare law are unfortunately part of the system of factory farming. To counter that we are making use of the right to sue on behalf of animals which has finally been introduced in several German federal states. We use these opportunities by supporting organizations capable of bringing legal proceedings, both financially and with our legal expertise. To ensure that court rulings are implemented in practice, we conduct follow-up campaigns where necessary.


In times of conservative federal governments and agriculture ministers, we invested few resources in political work, as we could not expect any significant successes – also due to the great lobbying power of the animal industry. Although this has not changed, we have expanded our lobbying work in Berlin and Brussels in light of a Green Minister of Agriculture in Germany, some unusually progressive signals from the EU, and major upcoming decisions in animal welfare policy.

Strategy – the basis

The basis is an essential foundation for being able to maximize the outcomes of our four strategic pillars.

Organizational culture

Shared values, standards, and goals are an important basis for successful teamwork. Our organizational culture starts with our vision and influences how we work. You can find out more about our culture here.


We continue to further educate ourselves in a targeted manner and pay increased attention to reserving capacities for this purpose. We also raise our ability to deal with conflict and strengthen our learning culture by dealing openly with mistakes as well as by sharing our learning experiences with each other.


Growth is an important factor in achieving even more for the animals. We see many opportunities to work towards implementing our vision and strategy.

Our experience shows: The more people actively follow us (especially through our newsletters), the higher the donations entrusted to us become. Therefore, we will focus on reaching even more people who appreciate our work.

Good & simple structures

We make sure that our time and energy are primarily used to create or support outcomes for the animals. To this end, we consistently prioritize and reduce tasks and projects where possible. We also develop efficient structures, for example for job-training of new team members, for project organization or administrative processes.