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Interview: The Chicken Commitment in Practice

Published on December 8, 2021
Norsk Kylling is the first Norwegian producer in the Chicken Commitment. COO Hilde Talseth told us about their experiences.

Castration of Piglets Only with Anesthesia

Published on October 20, 2021
The castration of piglets without anesthesia has been prohibited in Germany since Januaryy 1, 2021. How is the transition process coming along?

Student Service Organization No. 10

Published on September 14, 2021
We are excited that the tenth student service organization has joined the European Chicken Commitment and will reduce the suffering of chickens.

More Than 100 Global Cage-Free Commitments

Published on September 8, 2021
New milestone: More than 100 companies have pledged so far not to put any more laying hens in cruel cages anywhere in the world.

First Polish Producer On Board

Published on September 6, 2021
Fundacja Alberta Schweitzera has won over the chicken producer and exporter Res-Drob to join the European Chicken Commitment.

Subway Raises Standards for Chickens

Published on August 12, 2021
Together with other organizations we convinced the corporation to implement the criteria of the European Chicken Commitment.

The Beginning of the End of Factory Farming

Published on July 8, 2021
On June 25, 2021, Aldi decided to stop selling cheap meat by 2030. Read a report about how Mahi Klosterhalfen experienced this day.

EU Commission Announces Cage Ban

Published on July 7, 2021
June 30, 2021 was a historic day: The EU Commission follows the demand of »End the Cage Age« and aims for an EU-wide cage ban.

Five Supermarkets Lead the Way

Published on June 29, 2021
More and more German food retailers are joining the European Chicken Commitment, thus ensuring effective animal welfare.

Five Companies Join Chicken Commitment

Published on June 29, 2021
The university catering services of Karlsruhe, Augsburg and Siegen, the wholesaler Chefs Culinar and the Gastro Consulting group are on board.