The Studentenwerke organize student affairs in Germany and, among other things, run the dining venue services of their cooperating universities. Each Studentenwerk is organized at the local level and works with one university or more. We have been cooperating with the Studentenwerke since 2014 and have since periodically planned and organized vegan-themed days and even weeks of action. For the 25th World Vegan Day that took place in the beginning of November, the campus dining venues invited their students to try various vegan dishes from a diverse menu for a freely selected period of time, ranging from one day to a whole week.
Digital Info Materials and Recipe Cards
The Studentenwerke promoted the vegan culinary days on their social media accounts and advertising displays with various info materials that we had previously designed with them. We devised these materials to spread information about the various reasons to follow a vegan diet such as health, climate, environmental and animal protection concerns. We also designed digital recipe cards. For sustainability reasons, we only designed digital versions of these materials.
Two Highlights: The »Vegan Taste Week« in Heidelberg and Schleswig-Holstein
The Studentenwerk Heidelberg has once again organized a full week to promote vegan dishes. During this year’s »Vegan Taste Week«, the guests visiting the dining venues were able to enjoy tasty foods such as carrot soup with herbs, crunchy vegetable schnitzel , rissoles made of quinoa and peas, onion soup, vegan bagels, doner kebab and goulash.
In Schleswig-Holstein, many dining venues served jackfruit burgers with red cabbage, cocktail sauce and steakhouse fries for this year’s World Vegan Day. A chia-mango-coconut dessert topped off the delicious vegan experience. In the city of Kiel, students were able to enjoy vegan waffles for an entire week. »Our students are becoming constantly more interested in vegan dishes«, says Torsten Schmidt, head of the dining venue services in Kiel. »By now, we are selling more vegan dishes, with sales figures of 19 %, than vegetarian dishes.« In two of Kiel’s dining venues, already a quarter of the dishes sold are vegan.
Great Cooperation with Deutsches Studentenwerk
»The promotion of tasty vegan dishes for World Vegan Day has become well established«, says Inken Jakob-Thome who is part of our Corporate Outreach team. »I’m very happy about the rewarding cooperation with the Studentenwerke and I’m excited to observe how the vegan options in the campus dining venues will develop in the years to come.«
Sarah Bock, head of the dining venue services at Deutsches Studentenwerk , the umbrella organization for all the German local Studentenwerke , adds: »World Vegan Day is a great occasion to call attention to the delicious and well-balanced vegan options the dining venues of the Studentenwerke are offering throughout Germany.«