Mahi Klosterhalfen
Dipl. Kfm. (German equivalent of MBA)
President of the Board
Department: Operations
Mahi Klosterhalfen has been an animal advocate since he was a university student. He brought The Humane Society’s (HSUS) Cage-Free Campus campaign to Germany and successfully collaborated with other students to convince several university canteens to stop using battery eggs.
Mahi Klosterhalfen has good contacts in the international animal protection and animal rights scene. He continuously seeks out successful approaches worldwide with a view to introducing the initiatives in Germany. Since 2008, he has been managing the Albert Schweitzer Foundation.
He is inspired by the achievements of Mahatma Gandhi and the late Henry Spira.
He is also a volunteer board member at Compassion in World Farming and sits on the supervisory board of our newly founded Polish sister organisation Fundacja Alberta Schweitzera.
Rolf Hohensee
Board Member
Department: Investments
Rolf Hohensee has been a board member of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation since the end of 2011.
In 2002, he stopped ignoring, or rather, repressing the suffering inflicted upon farmed animals and took off his ideological blinkers, which led to serious changes in his consumer behavior and a strong commitment to animal protection. Rolf Hohensee has for many years accompanied and supported the work of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation.
Hans-Georg Kluge
Lawyer and university lecturer, former Secretary of State, former District Administrator, former Judge at the Higher Administrative Court
Board Member
Department: Legal & Compliance
Hans-Georg Kluge is a lawyer specializing in animal welfare legislation, municipal law, gender-equality law and general administrative law.
Thanks to his experiences as Secretary of State and District Administrator (and thus head of a veterinary office), he underpins the political competency of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation. A former judge at one of the highest German courts and an attorney who has contended successfully for several groundbreaking rulings and published a commentary on the German Animal Welfare Act, Hans-Georg Kluge has contributed to the foundation’s juridical authority from the beginning.
He is also a board member of the Erna-Graff-Stiftung für Tierschutz (Erna Graff Foundation for Animal Welfare). A member of the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) since he was 16, he nonetheless views the party’s animal welfare policies critically and sees himself in the tradition of Dietrich Rollmann, the late member of German parliament who played a prominent role in enforcing the Animal Welfare Act of 1972 against long-standing resistance.